Photo of Betty Cárdenas Colombia

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Maybe talk about Betty Cardenas, the artist is only a pretext to portray my life as a woman.
In art plasmo what I live, what I see and what I feel, without facing major concepts or ideas.
My paintings are simply the testimony of a life lived.
Pinto then what I feel with my feelings of woman, woman "feeler" of life.
Pinto then what I live my life as a woman, a woman "giver" of life.

Thus, in the course of my career I have played different songs, all...

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Photo of Betty Cárdenas Colombia

Maybe talk about Betty Cardenas, the artist is only a pretext to portray my life as a woman.
In art plasmo what I live, what I see and what I feel, without facing major concepts or ideas.
My paintings are simply the testimony of a life lived.
Pinto then what I feel with my feelings of woman, woman "feeler" of life.
Pinto then what I live my life as a woman, a woman "giver" of life.

Thus, in the course of my career I have played different songs, all with the common component of my personal life, my life as a woman. The feelings: hatred, love, desire, were the subject of my early work, leading to capture in my paintings to dream lover, the bride lost her husband cheating. Personal loneliness was also portrayed by my brush, giving me a powerful vision of reality female.

After motherhood is presented as what gives meaning to my life, in the form of two beautiful daughters that transform any concept that once would have been in existence: bellies and breasts are fused with different natures, mountains, dunes, cliffs and waves in obvious fight merge resulting in a cry in defense of life. But life and more in a country like mine, has little value for violent predators in debauchery and without much modesty finished with it and, like many of my countrymen I was not one of my most valuable assets, my daughter more: a beautiful ballet dancer who was murdered in 2008 by men who wanted to control his hand to be.
The presence of this child gave meaning to my life and because without it, half of my soul, my painful feeling arising from a series of paintings of ballet dancers in the white tutu, stands the bloody and murderous wounds perpetrated by man.
These paintings in a vain effort to immortalize my daughter, stand as testimony and eternal memory of the murdered daily beauty in defense against forgetting and indifference, common pest in Colombia. Also as a defense but this time, not the integrity of the lives of women (represented by the fragility of the dancer), comes an installation for which I called "Shield tutu for brave men" in which a tutu dress adorned with red flowers spring simboliza, el cuerpo de mi hija, mi cuerpo y el cuerpo de tantas mujeres violentadas de mil maneras por la fuerza brutal del hombre que solapadamente se apropia de el, como defensa o trofeo.

Es así como al hacer una retrospectiva de mi obra artística me encuentro enfrentada al espejo que refleja no solo mi imagen sino también mi vida, lo que la convierte en autorretrato.

Nací en Medellín, Colombia en 1960.
Estudié Artes plásticas en la Fundación Universitaria de Bellas Artes.

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  • - The Courier will pick up the package on the place and date agreed, and once we receive the artwork, we will proceed with the refund of the paid amount.

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The estimated delivery time for Artelista fine art prints is 5-7 working days, whereas in the case of original artworks, it would vary depending on the origin country. Once the artist notifies us the artwork is ready for shipment, the delivery will be in the following 24-72 hours, These delivery times may be altered by custom clearance events, especially when the origin country of the artwork belongs to a different cross-national agreement (EU,NAFTA,etc.). here. Shipments from Argentina, Colombia or Cuba need of a special authorization for the exportation of artworks, so it is important to have this into account when calculating the delivery date.

Bear in mind we are dealing with works of art, so they may be in an exhibition (actually, this is awesome!). Those artworks which are in an exhibition are usually displayed as “non-available”. In case the artwork has been put up for sale, take into account the artist would have to manage with the organization of the exhibition the return of the artwork in order to be able to realize the shipment.

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